(08) 9631 4400
Welcome to Dowerin District High School
an Independent Public School
Social and Emotional Wellbeing...
Articulated in the 2022-2024 Business Plan are the strategies and resources (planned and in place) to support social and emotional wellbeing for all students. To achieve our goal of a safe, caring and inclusive environment; a consistent, considered and collaborative approach is adopted across the school.
is defined as a sustainable state of positive mood and attitude, resilience and satisfaction with self, relationships and experiences at school.
Literature Review - Scoping Study into approaches to student wellbeing.
The Student Leadership Team, comprising of the Class Representatives and Faction Leaders provide valuable direction for many school decisions. Supported by a staff coordinator, Miss Stephanie Hibbitt, they also promote charity days, inter-faction activities, student - staff challenges, and host the formal school assemblies. This group of students are expected to demonstrate leadership attributes and model expected behaviours at all times.
All students, whether part of the Leadership Team or not, have a variety of opportunities to develop their leadership skills by committing to available roles and responsibilities in the classroom and taking advantages of situations in the playground which benefit from an individual or group taking on a leadership role. A good example of this is the way many students choose to become actively involved in the Stephanie Alexander Garden during their break times.
The Student Wellbeing Officer makes valuable contributions to the social and emotional wellbeing of many of our students and their families. Working in classrooms across a range of learning areas and ages and providing lunch time opportunities to connect with others results in building meaningful relationships with many students. The SWO is funded through the National School Chaplaincy Program. Our provider, onPsych gives tremendous support to our SWO and supports the school to operate within appropriate guidelines.
The restorative approach to behaviour management, coupled with explicit teaching and reinforcement of the Dowerin Values, promotes an environment where students consider how their actions impact on others and encourage positive relationships between all students.
Positive student behaviour is acknowledged through Playground Rewards Points, certificates at assemblies and verbal affirmations of desired actions.
Students also engage in goal setting programs; making and reflecting upon short, medium and long term personal and class goals. We believe this helps students to identify areas for improvement in a constructive and achievable way and then reflect upon their progress towards these goals, acknowledging their achievements along the way.
At times, some students may feel or be unable to cope with aspects of school. This can have a negative impact on their social and emotional wellbeing so the school liaises and engages with a number of agencies to identify ways in which the school can support the student and, if required, their family.
Professionals and agencies regularly involved with the school include:
Department of Education School Psychologist
School Nurse
Occupational Therapist
Speech Therapist
Wheatbelt Mental Health
Disability Services
A hearty, healthy breakfast helps fuel students so they can fully participate in their education program. All students are welcome to share breakfast (fully supplied) on Monday and Wednesday mornings between 8.20am and 8.40am in the Home Economics Room. There is also an opportunity for students to read to an adult at this time. Parent volunteers are greatly appreciated. If you would like to assist, please contact the school office.
Engagement in camps and excursions encourages students to develop resilience and independence by offering less familiar challenges. These opportunities also facilitate the growth of relationships with peers by providing a variety of environments for social, academic and non-academic interactions.
Camps are offered approximately every two years for students in Year 5-10. In 2023 students in Years 7 to 10 attended camp in Canberra for a week to explore the attractions in the country's capital.