(08) 9631 4400
Welcome to Dowerin District High School
an Independent Public School
Business Plan...
The Business Plan for 2022-24 captures our strategic direction and priorities in a succinct manner. The school community, through the school Board and P and C as well as open forums, contributed to this direction
A supporting document 'Operationalising the Business Plan 2022-24' articulates key strategies, milestones and targets to ensure our road to success is followed and we are accountable for the journey.
We constantly seek to improve our practice and student outcomes. School improvement strategies and goals are further articulated in school level documents including the Data Collection Schedule, a variety of Operational Plans, Whole School Plans and the Performance Improvement Process.
Rigorous data analysis, personal reflections and consequent actions form the basis of our self-review process. Data collection expectations are outlined in the school’s Data Collection Schedule, and resulting analysis of this data is a catalyst for the development of operational plans and whole school approaches to learning. It also impacts the staff’s Performance Improvement process, resource allocation and professional learning choices.
The School Board takes an active role in reviewing the Business Plan, making themselves aware of the interrogation of data informing progress towards school targets.