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Structure of the School Day


Students should arrive at school after 8.30am but in enough time to get organised for their school day before the siren sounds at 8.55am.  Once before school expectations are complete, students may play in the quadrangle. Primary classes have clear 'before school' routines and teacher will inform carers of these.



All students sit together at tables in the quadrangle to eat their morning recess snack. Students will be released to 'play' when they have finished eating, all duty teachers are present and the immediate eating area is free from rubbish. Students may only consume food at the tables.


Students in Kindergarten and Pre-primary are restricted to playing in the Early Childhood playground. Year 1 and 2 students may also play in this area. Students from Year 1 to 10 may choose to spend their play time in the quadrangle or on the oval. Sporting equipment is allocated to each classroom for students to use during breaks.  Staff are on duty in each of the three areas; Early Childhood playground, quadrangle and oval.


A 'two minute warning' is given so students may get a drink and/or go to the toilet prior to 'time' being called.  Students are expected to be at class, prepared and ready to enter the calss when 'time' is called. 



Students are required to remain seated for the first 15 minutes of the lunch break. They will be released to play when the immediate area is free from rubbish and food scraps. Students may choose to remain seated for longer if they need more time to consume their lunch.


The 'two minute warning' system, used at recess, is also used at lunch.



School finishes at 3.00pm each day.  A siren sounds at this time. Parents may collect their children from classes or meet them in the parent car park off Memorial Avenue. Alternatively, students may walk or ride their bicycles to and from school.



The office is manned from 8.30am until 3.30pm Monday to Friday, however staff are usually available outside of these times.


Students, parents and community members must seek permission from the school administration to enter the grounds outside school hours. It would be appreciated if anyone observes trespassers on the school grounds, that they report the matter to the local police as soon as possible.




Proud member of the Inland Lighthouse Network of Schools

© 2013 by Dowerin District High School

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