(08) 9631 4400
Welcome to Dowerin District High School
an Independent Public School
Parents & Citizens...
The P&C is made up of school parents and involved citizens for the purpose of providing support to our school community; financial and otherwise. The key to any of our initiatives, whether it is fund raising for a P&C sponsored project, providing feedback to the Principal and staff on issues of policy and curriculum where appropriate, or organizing an event that brings parents, students and teachers together, is involvement. General Meetings are held on Tuesdays in the third week of each term in the staff room.
Shared cost of new mural.
Contributed to various excursions.
Assisting with the care and maintenance of turfed areas
Provision of storage boxes for chess and checkers.
Contributed to the high school mentor project.
President: Shea Donegan
Email: udenoaks@hotmail.com
Treasurer: Jo Holberton
Secretary: Josh Nelson
Email: josh.emma@outlook.com
Vice President: Kell Whitehurst
Email: kel_louisa@hotmail.com
Uniform Coordinator: Michelle Bear
Email: michellebear1@bigpond.com
Book Club Coordinator: Suzy Crippen
Email: suzanne.crippen@yahoo.com
General Enquiries
Email: dowerinpandc@gmail.com