(08) 9631 4400
Welcome to Dowerin District High School
an Independent Public School
Our vision is for Dowerin District High School to inspire students to be socially responsible and resilient community members who strive to be the best they can be.
We believe students learn best when:
· Learning is purposeful and occurs in a safe, organised, stimulating, inclusive and creative environment where there are clear expectations and boundaries.
· Students have the opportunity to demonstrate their understandings in a variety of ways and receive timely and constructive feedback which directly influences the teaching and learning process.
· Students are supported at home and school to develop the necessary organisational, social and emotional skills to attain emotional wellbeing, personal success and positive relationships.
· Teachers are enthusiastic, organised and deliver a range of developmentally appropriate and meaningful learning experiences.
· Partnerships between the school and community (parents, community groups, businesses) clearly demonstrate, through collaborative practises, that education is valued.
· School leaders are instructional leaders who support student achievement and teacher development, ensuring the focus is on school priorities and departmental plans and foci.
· Student leaders are positive role models and supportive of their peers, staff and the vision and values of the school.
· Relationships between staff, students and parents are positive and have the goal of improving the educational outcomes of all children at the school.
Core Values...
At Dowerin District High School we strongly believe that understanding and displaying excellence in key virtues is critical for all members of our school community. After consultation with the students, parents, staff and wider community, we adopted a virtues acronym aligned with our name, and capturing our core values.

These virtues are explicitly taught, actively promoted and on visual display around the school. Consistent demonstration of these virtues by students is acknowledged at school assemblies.
The Dowerin DHS Virtues also form the basis of student reflection and goal setting.