(08) 9631 4400
Welcome to Dowerin District High School
an Independent Public School

Even the teachers had fun with the equipment and increased their knowledge.

Students worked collaboratively to build a structure sound enough for a student to climb to the top.

Even the teachers had fun with the equipment and increased their knowledge.
Bencubbin, Beacon, Bolgart, Cadoux, Calingiri, Goomalling, Kalannie, Koorda, Miling, Moora, Trayning and Yerecoin Primary Schools
Dalwallinu, Dowerin, Toodyay, Wongan Hills and
Wyalkatchem District High Schools
Central Midlands Senior High School
Dowerin District High School belongs to the Inland Lighthouse Network (ILN) which is comprised of nineteen schools from within the Wheatbelt Education Region. The ILN is recognised across the state as a proactive and forward thinking network that is making excellent use of resources to enhance education for its students and inprove the skills of its staff.
The focus of the ILN is
the attraction and retention of quality staff
improvement in curriculum delivery, with an emphasis on the capcity building of staff
using ICT to enhance learning, promotion and communication across schools and wider communities
developing partnerships to access additional resources, extend spheres of influence and support school communities
improved wellbeing of students
creating and facilitating interschool academic, leadership and social events.
Dowerin teachers have been recognised for their expertise and been utilised to support students and staff across the network.