(08) 9631 4400
Welcome to Dowerin District High School
an Independent Public School
Special Programs...
Dowerin DHS was one of only two new Cadet units to commence in Western Australia in 2015. Emergency Services were chosen as the focus for our cadet program due to the local relevance and the available expertise. Volunteer emergency service personnel, who serve the Dowerin and surrounding communities, provide vital support on many occasions through the Bush Fire Brigade, St John's Ambulance and Fire and Rescue Brigades.
Dowerin District High School became involved in the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Program in 2014, enhancing what was already a successful garden program at the school. Year 5/6 students spend time in the garden during class and many students choose to return during breaks to help out with a variety of chores. Students grow a variety of food in the garden and use these in the kitchen to create some delicious dishes. Secondary students also use food grown in the garden in their Cooking classes and excess crops (such as pumpkins) have been used to support school fundraising activities.
Kitchen Garden Foundation
The Kindy Readiness program was implemented in Term 3, 2015 after consultation with parents and the community. It is play-based; focusing on gross and fine motor skills, games and songs to promote literacy and numeracy, as well as socialisation activities – including taking turns, sharing, listening and following instructions.
A Parent Information and Support Program operates alongside the Kindy Readiness program. Visiting speakers may include speech therapists, occupational therapists, the community nurse and others. This is an opportunity for parents to gain knowledge in an informal, relaxed environment. This will be a permanent program within the school schedule to give upcoming Kindergarten students the best start to their education journey.