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Parents are asked to contribute towards the cost of their child's education in two ways: Voluntary Contributions and Charges. The School Board endorse the schedule of Voluntary Contributions and Charges for each year.


Parents are also asked to provide students with a list of personal items to use throughout the year. These are generally consumable items such as pens, pencils, workbooks and will vary from student to student depending on their year level. These items will be required on a day to day basis.


VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTIONS                                                             

Voluntary contributions are monies collected from parents to supplement school expenditure in the curriculum learning areas.  While the contributions are voluntary, the quality of our teaching and learning program will be maximised when each family makes its contribution to the cost of supplementing funding gained from other sources, including the State and Commonwealth governments.  It is therefore vital for the school to receive your family’s contribution. Your contributions assist with the purchase of resources required for the provision of the learning activities.  The attached table gives you a breakdown of the learning areas and the distribution of your voluntary contribution.


The total amount of contributions parents/caregivers are being asked to pay has been set at $45 per kindergarten student, $60.00 per primary school student and $235 per secondary student. This complies with the School Education Act (1999).


The school is able to offer a range of payment options.  Please contact the school should you wish to discuss these.



Please note the school does not have credit card or EFTPOS facilities, but you are welcome to pay via direct debit.



Account:         Dowerin DHS

BSB:                 036 608

Acc Number:  330 125


Charges are costs that parents MAY be asked to pay for during the school year. You are not required to pay any charges until the event/activity occurs and costs are finalised. For example in 2018 the Harvest Magazine has been listed at a cost of $20.  We will not charge more but we MAY charge less and, at the same time, if you do not wish to purchase a magazine, you will not be required to pay.


A breakdown of estimated charges for your child’s participation in excursions, incursions, activities for have been included in the table attached. Details on charges collected in previous years helps guide the estimate of charges each year. The amounts shown represent the maximum possible charge for scheduled activities in the current year. 


The schedule includes costs associated with:

  • Specific learning activities and available to all students, but conditional on a payment being made e.g. incursions, excursions.

  • Specific learning activities available to selected students, but conditional on a payment being made e.g. Technology and Enterprise High Cost Electives or The Arts High Cost Electives.

  • Other activities available to all students, but conditional on a payment being made e.g. graduation dinner


OTHER VOLUNTARY REQUESTS                                                 

The Dowerin District High School P & C Association requests a voluntary contribution of $20.00 to supplement fund raising efforts.


Proud member of the Inland Lighthouse Network of Schools

© 2013 by Dowerin District High School

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