(08) 9631 4400
Welcome to Dowerin District High School
an Independent Public School
Together We Strive
Recent News....
Education Awards
What an honour to be recognised as a finalist in the WA Education Awards in the Disability and Inclusion category. Staff were treated to an afternoon with the Bluey creator, Joe Brumm the afternoon before the awards breakfast. What an amazing man! He is to be admired for his strong moral compass and commitment to his values. If you ever have a chance to listen to his story, make sure you do! It was lovely to hear how his goal was to make children laugh while giving a message to them as well as their parents. A lot of his inspiration for the episodes were borne from interactions with his own children. Did you know it takes about 5 months and 60 people to make each episode! Eleven of our staff were able to attend the Awards Breakfasts at Optus Stadium on Monday, Nov 11th. There were 600 people present and the vibe from the schools recognised for excellence was amazing. Tina Altieri was the host and we heard from The Hon Tony Buti, Minister for Education and the new Director General of Education, Jay Peckitt, (on his first day on the job) before the winners were announced. Joe Brumm was also interviewed. Each finalist school received a banner acknowledging their achievement and our is proudly located between the Early Childhood Centre and the primary verandah.
What's On....
Principal's Message...
"Reflecting our motto, TOGETHER WE STRIVE, Dowerin District High School students, parents, staff and the wider community unite to give our students the opportunity to be the best they can be academically whilst maintaining and developing social and emotional wellbeing. Together we promote the values of learning, excellence, equity, and care for self and others.
Dowerin District High School has an enthusiastic and capable staff who make admirable use of excellent resources and strong links with the school and wider community to deliver an engaging and varied curriculum from Kindergarten to Year 10.
I invite you to explore our website and encourage you to contact me should you wish to further discuss any aspect of our school."
Barbara Garner
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