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Faction Cross Country 2021
Together We Strive

Recent News....

Sister School in Cambodia

The student leadership team has selected to be assigned a Cambodian sister school through the Angkor Project. We have been assigned Hun Sen Chambak High School in Kampong Speu, a school with 1585 secondary school students in 30 classrooms., that averages about 50 students per class! The Department of Education WA has a Memorium of Understanding with the Department of Education Cambodia, and the Kampong Speu Regional Office. Schools across WA have Sister Schools in Cambodia, and have been fundraising for 18 years to provide water tanks, fans, school resources, toilets and even electricity for schools, as their funding is very limited and students often go without the resources needed to support the student’s education. As a Sister School we will fundraise to assist the schools in purchasing the resources they need, and in January Miss Grant will visit the school as part of a Study Tour. She visited the school on a 2020 tour and found the students enthusiastic, respectful and polite, our students could learn a thing or two from the Cambodian students! The Angkor Project is all about students supporting students, so it is our Student Leaders who lead the fundraising effort, and we are hoping to organise a letter writing exchange with the Cambodian students who are keen to practice their English and learn more about Australian culture. Thank you for your support and we will keep you updated throughout the year.

What's On....

Principal's Message...

"Reflecting our motto, TOGETHER WE STRIVE,  Dowerin District High School students, parents, staff and the wider community unite to give our students the opportunity to be the best they can be academically whilst maintaining and developing social and emotional wellbeing. Together we  promote the values of learning, excellence, equity, and care for self and others.


Dowerin District  High School has an enthusiastic and capable staff who make admirable use of excellent resources and strong links with the school and wider community  to deliver an engaging and varied curriculum from Kindergarten to Year 10. 


I invite you to explore our website and encourage you to contact me should you wish to further discuss any aspect of our school."


Barbara Garner


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